The Kiwanis Club of Des Plaines is dedicated to serving the local community through various service and fundraising projects. We’d love for you to come join us at one of our projects.
Birthday Bags
Every child needs some recognition of their birthday. A Birthday Bag makes a birthday special. We visit kindergarten students at four schools to deliver bags containing items necessary to create a birthday party.
Our club is happy to partner with the Maine West Key Club, a Kiwanis Service Leadership Program. Their help allows us to serve more children in the community.
We participate in a friendly Food Fight to support the Self-Help Closet & Pantry of Des Plaines. The event benefits our neighbors in need who utilize the food pantry. The event is hosted in February by the Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce.
Kiwanis Cup
Students, grades K–8, compete with classmates to race against challengers from other local schools to win the Kiwanis Cup. Race distance is approximately 1 mile around beautiful Lake Opeka.
Shoes for Kids
Annually we work with local schools to provide footwear to specially invited children. Kiwanis members meet families at a local store to shop for new boots or shoes for the winter. Club members and families explore the shelves to find just the right pair for each child. Funds for the annual service project are raised through generous community support.
Key Club College Scholarships
Our Kiwanis club raises funds for Key Club college scholarships every year through our Peanut Days fundraiser.
Key Club Sponsorships
Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.
We are currently sponsoring the following Kiwanis Key club:
Maine West Hight School, Des Plaines, IL
Kiwanis Builders Club Sponsor
Builders Club is the largest service organization for middle school and junior high students worldwide. Builders Club members learn to work together and develop servant-leader skills as they serve their school and community. Our Kiwanis club is working with local schools to charter new Builders Clubs. Contact us if your school would like to start a Builders Club.
Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
Glenview Public Library, 1930 Glenview Rd, Glenview, IL 60025, USA
Learn about Kiwanis NeuroscienceResearch Foundation. The program will feature Kim Groom, Governor of theKiwanis Illinois-Eastern Iowa District, a neuroscience researcher from LoyolaUniversity-Chicago and a child and family who have directly benefited from Foundation supported research.
What We Do
The Kiwanis Club of Des Plaines is dedicated to serving the local community through various service and fundraising projects. We’d love for you to come join us at one of our projects.
Birthday Bags
Every child needs some recognition of their birthday. A Birthday Bag makes a birthday special. We visit kindergarten students at four schools to deliver bags containing items necessary to create a birthday party.
Our club is happy to partner with the Maine West Key Club, a Kiwanis Service Leadership Program. Their help allows us to serve more children in the community.
Contact us to learn more.
Food Fight
We participate in a friendly Food Fight to support the Self-Help Closet & Pantry of Des Plaines. The event benefits our neighbors in need who utilize the food pantry. The event is hosted in February by the Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce.
Kiwanis Cup
Students, grades K–8, compete with classmates to race against challengers from other local schools to win the Kiwanis Cup. Race distance is approximately 1 mile around beautiful Lake Opeka.
Shoes for Kids
Annually we work with local schools to provide footwear to specially invited children. Kiwanis members meet families at a local store to shop for new boots or shoes for the winter. Club members and families explore the shelves to find just the right pair for each child. Funds for the annual service project are raised through generous community support.
Key Club College Scholarships
Our Kiwanis club raises funds for Key Club college scholarships every year through our Peanut Days fundraiser.
Key Club Sponsorships
Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.
We are currently sponsoring the following Kiwanis Key club:
Kiwanis Builders Club Sponsor
Builders Club is the largest service organization for middle school and junior high students worldwide. Builders Club members learn to work together and develop servant-leader skills as they serve their school and community. Our Kiwanis club is working with local schools to charter new Builders Clubs. Contact us if your school would like to start a Builders Club.
Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
Facebook Posts
Upcoming events
Board Meeting
Birthday Bags at Orchard Place School
Club meeting
Birthday Bags packing at History Center
Birthday Bags at Plainfield School
Board Meeting
Birthday Bags at North School
Birthday Bags at South School
Club meeting
Division 8 Mid-Winter Dinner
2025 Growth Forum
Board Meeting
Club meeting
Board Meeting
Club meeting
Board Meeting
Kiwanis Cup
Club meeting
Board Meeting
Club meeting
Board Meeting
Club meeting
Board Meeting
Club meeting
Board Meeting
Club meeting
Board Meeting
Club meeting
Board Meeting
Club meeting
Board Meeting
Club meeting
Board Meeting
Club meeting